There are various ways for creating online CV and Resume. one of the more easy ways is to use a wordpress theme and modify it to create an online resume. This way, you can claim your own online identity without being dependant on existing Social (Business) Networks. It is a wonderful way to show you are a serious professional and underline your skills, show achievements and create a strong impression.

Some tips:

  • Take a couple of attractive pictures and create a hover effect, making you less static in your profile picture.
  • Create an introduction text explaining what you are all about, while welcoming visiters to your resume.
  • Before you start, create the structure in your mind and on a piece of paper. This way you won’t waste time restructuring your website. It helps you to work efficiently.
  • Do you want sections, or is a one-pager sufficient? Answer this question before you start.
  • Make sure visitors can contact you or book an appointment. You want to connect to your potential customers!